where I've been and the exciting times ahead!

On our flight to Vancouver over the Canadian Rockies!

Firstly apologies for being absent over here! - its all for a reason I promise - Ive had 3 major life developments (which have been super time consuming) and of course like buses they came all at once!

1) I suppose I should start with the huge life changing development first - Im moving to NYC temporarily! Now if you have been following me and the blog for a while you'll know just how important and huge this trip will be for me! Now even though (for now) this will be a temporary move I will be seeing this as a taster for moving over there permanently. Its been a dream of mine for years and I'm so grateful that its even been able to happen! Testing the waters this summer will be a great way to decide whether its something I can do forever OR (and there is every chance of this happening as i have never lived on my own properly before) that missing my family, boyfriend and friends is so overwhelmingly crippling that I come back and take the 3 months away as an incredible time to explore an amazing city and do the whole 'eat pray love' thing. So as you can imagine I have been seriously busy organising and packing - I mean how I've even managed to pack my whole life in a suitcase is a miracle! You can keep up with my NYC via Instagram and will be trying my hand at vlogging while I'm out there so keep an eye out! Which moves me swiftly onto the 2nd exciting development - before NYC I will be holidaying in Vancouver Canada for two weeks - which as you can imagine is super exciting and also something else i've had to consider while packing! As I write this I'm sitting in our Vancouver apartment - which is INSANE. Vancouver is a stunning city with views that are to die for! Again i'll be blogging about this and doing some serious Instagram stories so stay tuned! We are here for the boyfriends best mates wedding in Whistler which I'm totally stoked about!

In our huge 4X4 jeep which Andy was super chuffed about driving!

When you're apartment is just off Drake Street #youknowyourincanadawhen...

Went to have dinner at a place called Earl last night! The tacos I had were a must and did I mention the garlic and coriander fries?!? TO. DIE. FOR! Andy was over the moon as every dish had a GF option which were delicious so naturally he went for a burger the size of this face!

3)  Now as if that wasn't enough to organise (and I never thought id see this day coming after how long its taken to get there) I HAVE FINISHED MY FIRST COLLECTION. I have been working really hard alongside Megan - who has beautifully embellished three styles from the collection.We have worked tirelessly to get the collection completed in time for me to take them away with me. I can't wait to share them all with you when I'm back from NYC where I'll be having a launch which you will all be invited to! If you've been following my @madebykirenmodi instagram you will have been lucky enough to see some sneak peeks of what I've been up to with the collection while i've been making them, and would have seen what colour schemes I have gone with and some of the exclusives I have been working on. I was also lucky enough to fit in a quick product shoot with a great photographer before I left and I have been in talks about a website which is all coming soon and very exciting!