Bill Cunningham : New York 

With NYFW kicking off with a bang yesterday it only seems fitting to post about an influential and important person in fashion - the original street style photographer, Bill Cunningham. Now, where to start on this man? I suppose I should start with where I first noticed his frantic picture taking; watching footage of NYFW about 7 years back - of course with his famous blue jacket in tow. I can't remember the exact show or even whether I saw it online or TV; all I can remember is thinking who is this old man (that is clearly part of press) sitting in the front row of a huge show taking pictures from that view? Naively I thought to my self surely all the best shots are taken head on at the end of the runway? (in my experience thats where all the action took place - sometimes it was almost blinding) then I started to think - in the fashion world the biggest honour anyone in the industry is given are front row tickets. Needless to say I was intrigued, the show ended and he scarped off as fast as he could - to where I don't know but I was hooked I wanted to know who he was and how he had bagged front row?! I eagerly typed into google; 'man in blue jacket fashion week' (I clearly remember typing in blue jacket - something was telling me he was someone important) I was doubtful at first; I thought  this is pointless there must be millions of men that where blue jackets on a day to day basis and also thought maybe he got lucky with seats - I was  wrong OH SO wrong! As research informed me he wasn't only the best street style photographer in New York but the best and ONLY (hugely successful) street style photographer (or cultural anthropologist photographer)  of our time and to me that basically meant the whole world! He is so intertwined in the tapestry of fashion he is practically furniture - I felt ashamed at my self for being so clueless. 

What interests me most about Cunningham is his dedication to work. When I recently watched the documentary (on Netflixs of course) I was left inspired and motivated just by watching his energy on the screen. Cunningham lives a modest life, only using a bicycle to get around NYC and resides in a tiny corner flat stacked with filing cabinets up to the ceiling of his Carnegie Hall studio. You start to understand the essence of the man behind the charismatic streetsyle shots of everyday New Yorkers. He managed to capture them in a way no other photographer has ever done - insisting it wasn't ever work if all he had to do was record what he saw in-front of him. I don't want to give away too much of the documentary just in case you guys intend on watching it - but its something you shouldn't miss out on if you fancy taking a new perspective on fashion - its definitely a must see!

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