Merry Christmas!
...happy zone out time

At this time of year I love to just do nothing. Christmas and New Year is all about spending quality time with family and friends and for this reason, this year I have decided to totally switch off from any form of social media, meaning not looking at my two phones and laptop too, for 5 whole days (25th - 29th). So, no blogging, no Instagram, no Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, basically anything that means having my head in a phone or a laptop. It sounds super easy but the other day my mum and boyfriend pointed out just how much I'm on my social media accounts (mostly just for work purposes) and it dawned on me I can't imagine a life without it now, it connects me to people I would never have met other wise, BUT I had also been thinking about zoning out from social media more regularly (not looking at it before bed and instead reading) , wondering what a life would be like without it and figured there would be no better time than over the christmas period.

So I guess by this point the palpitations are rising at the thought of having 'nothing' to do, but this got me thinking; what things do I want to do with this time and decided that drawing and colouring would be the best form of relaxation. Of late I have been practicing my drawing skills, sketching and using all different types of inspiration, from Sex and The City books, magazines,  look books and the Fashionary hand guide to start churning out my own illustration style. Heres how I've done so far..(they still need improving - LOTS and thats what I intend on doing while I'm Zoning out.

I have also grown an unhealthy obsession with these new colouring books for adults. I have happened to come across a couple that include colouring shoes (Score!) and others that have beautiful illustrations of exotic rainforests. So apart from eating and drinking this is exactly what i'll be doing, along with a healthy sharing of movie time! (I won't even be sale shopping as I prefer doing this online which means a laptop - argh!). If you do decide to zone out for Christmas be sure to have a list of things to get you through to avoid the trap of looking through social media, maybe it could be something that needs to be done around the house, some personal development - Whats your next goal? and can you do something to work towards it? Could it be reading that book you just never seem to get around to reading? Refrain from anything that means having to get a laptop out or a phone. It could simply be spending some quality time talking and getting to know your family a bit better. Which ever way you decide to spend your time make sure its doing something you love!

Annnnnnd I guess all that's left to say is - MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas filled with love and joy (food and wine of course) and lots of 'you' time whatever it is you decide to do!

Lots of love, hugs and Kisses



P.S - 'I'll be back' Arnold Schwarzenegger style on Wednesday 30th of December with a guide on how to prepare yourself for the New Year, so have a look out for that! 

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