The Book Review 3/12 March Edition:
The Girl on the Train
Paula Hawkins

I had this book ordered and at my door step in the first week of March, and in the first week because of my hectic schedule (even though I read every night) I only managed to get through the first 20 pages of the book. That week I was so busy that I only managed to get through a couple pages before I had nodded off. The following week I was busy again and had to prepare for a number of things including packing for my holiday, shattered again I only managed a few pages a night. My many attempts at trying to read more every night made me realise that I was more invested in the story than I was allowing time for. By the time I had got on holiday with only a week and a half before the month ended I was pretty sure I wouldn't complete the book even with an impending week full of sunbathing time. To my surprise, by the time I had landed at London Heathrow I had read every page and wanted more! The book is well written and has such thrilling sections you just can't put the book down. Now without giving to much away, the novel is about three relationships that are oddly tangled by the death of a Megan the girl Rachel had been noticing through the window of the train she used to catch to and from work. The relationships get far more twisted and estranged further into the book until the Megans mystery death is eventually solved. This is an EPIC read, a novel you just wont be able to put down, in fact I wanted more at the end, to see how the characters coped in the following months after the revelation. You can buy the Hardcover on Amazon Prime for £6.
I have been searching high and low for my next read and decided to go for an old classic that I've never got around to reading - Harper Lees, To kill a Mockingbird which is only £4.89 on Amazon Prime. If anyone has already read this or wants to join me in reading this book by the end of the month please let me know we can all make an online reading club and discuss! :) I will try and do this in the following months with the new books I read too!
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